Access to the workforce of over 450 IT companies from all over Eastern Europe.
Hirenear helps you fill your project vacancies efficiently and sustainably.
Recruit Smart. Hire Fast. With AI Precision.


Our hirenear solution gives you access to a broad pool of candidates and offers support through scoring models and AI tools to evaluate your desired candidates. With over 450 IT companies from all over Eastern Europe using our platform, we have one of the largest nearshoring candidate pools on the market.
Discover the world of the most efficient nearshoring sourcing.

About Hirenear

Access to the huge Eastern European IT market
Access to hundreds of IT companies, recruitment agencies and freelancers in EU and non-EU countries.
Customised platform
Our platform is tailored to standard German recruiting processes and fulfils all GDPR standards.
AI assistants
Use our state-of-the-art AI algorithms to match candidates' CVs with the published job adverts.

How we use AI and scoring

Using AI to fill your vacancy quickly.
CVs and tags
We enrich the CVs with tags on our platform and classify the available skills and experience with technical fields.
AI rating
The project enquiry, CVs and tags are evaluated by the AI. We can emphasise the most important skills through certain focal points in the enquiry.
A scoring indicates the percentage of a candidate that matches a vacancy. It also summarises and explains why the candidates fit or do not fit.
The communication built into the platform informs the best candidates of the next steps to be expected in the first test interview.

Please feel free to contact us.

We are always at your disposal.